The history of Enitor Plast
At Enitor Plast AB there are over 30 years of experience in injection moulding. The knowledge of plastic manufacturing has been passed down through several generations and then, in particular in subcontract manufacturing.
The company's success factor has always been to deliver a product of high quality, high delivery reliability and at a low price. One proof of this is the long customer relationships, since most of our customers have been involved since the start. A good reference is Ikea which we have been an indirect supplier to for over 20 years. This has meant that we have been able to adapt the company to low costs, which ultimately leads to lower prices for our customers.
In 1994, we built our modern plastic injection plant which is completely adapted for injection moulding. This is a unique site that gives us an efficient flow throughout the production chain.
Enitor Plast is situated right in the heart of western Sweden. Our location near R40, where transport quickly reaches the E6 and E4, provides a unique logistics position that ensures fast transport within Sweden and internationally.
Production and assembling
Production and assembling
Production and assembling